Er Afrika lig med lidende børn?

Et blogindlæg på Africa Rising – “Images of Africa” – problematiserer brugen af billeder i vestlige organisationers kampagner for hjælp til Afrika. Det hedder blandt andet:

When I say the word “Africa” what do you picture? Chances are you see in your mind the image of a young, dark child, shirtless and with a swollen belly, with big eyes looking up at you in need. In some cases, you might even see flies crawling on the child’s face. This is an image that is used time and again to portray Africa in appeals made by nonprofit organizations.


When a Western charity makes an appeal for funds with the photo of a seemingly helpless African child, the Western donor is cast in the role of the strong, generous, and righteous person helping the lowly and needy. Strength, generosity, and righteousness are all good things, but I fear that an unrighteous pattern has developed. The West and Africa have become type-cast into strong and weak, resourceful and helpless, giver and receiver, parent and child.

Det er ikke noget nyt at problematisere denne billedbrug, men dette indlæg gør det på en kort og præcis måde.

Læs hele indlægget her.

Fundet via Africa Unchained.

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